
Guitar Space Newsletter

Join over 11,000 guitarists and tap into our lead Ed Lozano's 40+ years of experience with touring, writing, recording, and genuine guitar playing. Get insider tips and inspirational stories from the road to the studio, with must-have resources to level up your guitar playing. Start your journey with us today and find your unique sound!

Guitar Space News: 5 Secrets to Studio-Quality Guitar Recordings

Fellow guitarists, Mixing and recording sounds like a very technical process that only qualified engineers can do, and we guitarists should stay away from it, right? This might have been the case 20 years ago when you needed an actual studio and a few years of practice behind an SSL desk, but not today. Your laptop and a few affordable plugins can do everything you need. As long as you work on mastering the basics, I will share them here. I won’t focus on DAW-specific skills or get...

Guitar Space News: How to Wing an Acoustic Gig (and Sound Great!)

Fellow guitarists, Have you ever been in a scenario where you're playing the acoustic with a singer but suddenly don't know what song to play or any of the songs they know? Well, this is exactly how my weekend gig turned out, and there are a few lessons from it that are worth sharing on how to Improvise with a singer when the odds are against you. Many players panic when they don't know what to play, and that's perfectly normal. We want to practice the songs in our bedroom, rehearse, and be...

Guitar Space News: Learn the trickiest songs

Fellow guitarists, We all encounter songs that make us shrug in fear, quit the tutorial, and get back to playing the same old blues licks. Don't blame yourself; even pros have the same feeling. Second, there are ways to make even the trickiest songs easier to learn. This week, I will focus on how I approach complex songs and add to a previous newsletter where I went through the process in broad strokes. It will be a handy guide for everyone, from beginner to advanced players. As always, there...

Guitar Space News: Get Your Mojo Back!

Fellow guitarists, This week, I will dedicate my attention to all who had or are having a long pause from playing and are now finding it hard to return. Believe me, even as a working musician, I've stopped at times playing for weeks or even months apart from the times I have had to step on stage or the studio. I know the mental and physical struggle to return to practicing and our guilt when our hands won't play as effortlessly as we remember. The good news is that it happens to everyone, and...

Guitar Space News:The Pro Guitarist’s Guide to Better Rehearsals

Fellow guitarists, Altin, again, with your weekly injection of guitar knowledge and stories. This week, I want to focus on the main occupation of all musicians, whether professional or not: rehearsal! No matter where you are in your guitar journey, most of your time will be spent either playing alone or rehearsing before perhaps going on a frenzy of non-stop gigs. Since rehearsal is an essential aspect of your life, I'd like to share how you can nail the rehearsal and, most importantly, enjoy...

Guitar Space News: 6 Ways to Play Better Without Practice

Fellow guitarists, I'll plainly say it: we overestimate the importance of practice in becoming the guitar player we want to be. While it's a crucial and essential part of every craft, practicing guitar, even every day, will only get you so far. There are many aspects to improving an instrument, and in this newsletter, I'll discuss everything I've learned from my experience. I'm sure you know some already; others may not be in your comfort zone and will likely not hear from many players. Let's...

Guitar Space News: Avoid These 9 Classic Beginner Pitfalls

Fellow guitarists, When I first moved to London to pursue my music career, I started a job teaching guitar to beginners. At first, I took it easy, thinking it wouldn't be much effort, yet I couldn't have been more wrong. It was hard to teach, but I learned a lot in the process that I can share with you Teaching complete beginners reminded me of my early days and all the common setbacks guitarists face. This week, I will focus on zero common downfalls and how to address them in actionable...

Guitar Space News: The Great Guitar Price Debate

Fellow guitarists, I always say, 'If the guitar fights me, I would never choose it, even if it’s the most expensive guitar in the world.' For this newsletter, fortunately, we are focusing not on those instruments we can't afford but on finding the right balance between price and quality and picking the right affordable guitar. Not everyone needs a gold top Les Paul, but we all need a guitar that stays in tune. Perhaps some also need the guitar to be versatile and can't compromise on how the...

Guitar Space News: Is Rhythm Guitar Dead?

Fellow guitarists, Rhythm guitar is a dying art, and chords are going extinct! I started this week's newsletter with quite the foreboding statement, but it's a reality we, as guitarists, must challenge! Too much importance is placed on lead, especially in today's world of technical players, yet we forgot along the way that the basis of all good music is a solid rhythm section. In this short piece, I'll try my best to help you reach the standard of rhythm guitar playing a respectable player...

Guitar Space News: Tired of the Same Old Covers?

Fellow guitarists, This week, I want to tackle a topic all guitarists can relate to. Have you ever been in the situation when you know tens or hundreds of covers you enjoy playing with friends or in bands but suddenly feel like you're simply copying another player's parts? It's fun but not as fulfilling as improvising or playing your songs, no matter how much you love the bands you're covering. I'm sure you all have been there, and there's always a fine line between making a cover your own...

Join over 11,000 guitarists and tap into our lead Ed Lozano's 40+ years of experience with touring, writing, recording, and genuine guitar playing. Get insider tips and inspirational stories from the road to the studio, with must-have resources to level up your guitar playing. Start your journey with us today and find your unique sound!